Seattle Emergency Room Mistakes Attorney

Emergency rooms are some of the most important services that exist in modern-day society. The severely injured, many of whom are on the brink of death, are rushed in and treated promptly at ERs. Doctors, nurses, and other health professionals have an enormous amount of responsibility placed on their shoulders as they care for such a vulnerable and at-risk population.

Sometimes, accidents happen, even in a controlled space like an emergency room. Victims of these mistakes should be able to recover compensation. At Elk & Elk, we believe that people suffering from accidents that occur in emergency rooms should have a Seattle emergency room mistakes attorney by their side to help them make a full recovery.

Why Choose Elk & Elk

There are numerous examples of why so many people have chosen to employ our firm for all their legal needs – and why you should do the same:

  • Our Seattle medical malpractice lawyers are wholeheartedly focused on gaining the maximum amount of compensation available for victims of emergency room mistake accidents in Seattle.
  • With Elk & Elk by your side, you can be confident in the help that you are receiving. The resources and knowledge our Seattle personal injury attorneys have allow them to handle extremely complex claims such as those coming from medical crises units and trauma centers.
  • Our firm fights to protect your rights till the very end and we will not collect any legal fees until after we secure the compensation you need.

Why an Emergency Room Mistake Attorney Is so Important

It is nearly impossible for an emergency room error victim to handle these legal proceedings on their own. A skilled ER room attorney in Seattle can:

  • Request medical records and other important documentation from the medical facility
  • Meet with medical professionals and experts to better understand the technical implications of your case.
  • Collect and file all the proper documents required for a proper legal proceeding.

Ensuring you have skilled legal representation on your side can ensure a better probability of a successful claim.

Risks With Emergency Rooms

Emergency rooms can be busy and hard to manage. There are undoubtedly many mistakes that happen every day, leaving room for further injury or improper treatment. This reality is pushed even further with other factors that go into the triage process of receiving a patient in an emergency medical center, including wait times.

In fact, the most prominent hospital in Seattle – Swedish Medical Center, First Hill – has a wait time in the emergency room of 50 minutes higher than the national average, and 30 minutes higher than the state average. There are even more indications of higher risk such as the staff attentiveness rating is a mere 60% in the same hospital, and a statewide patient satisfaction rating of only 72%.

The First Step After Disaster – An Emergency Room Error Lawyer

You should not have to handle a medical mistake on your own. Suffering an injury or problem that requires a trip to the emergency room is hard enough as it is, so additionally suffering the mistakes of a medical practitioner will only add to the problems. The first step following an ER mistake is calling 1-844-ELK-WEST (1-844-355-9378) or clicking here to reach out to an Elk & Elk Seattle emergency room mistakes attorney who believes in your right to compensation following your complications.