The medical community has rights for your prescriptions


When you seek medical care, you may feel as though your providers have all the say in your treatment plan. But while they have undergone training and are competent, they are human and just as capable of making errors as anyone else.

As a patient, you likely understand less about the medical field than those you are asking for help. Consider medication administration, for example. Do you know there are certain rights involved?

Familiarize yourself with the rights of medication administration

For those responsible for preparing your medication, there are specific things they must do correctly to avoid causing you harm.

Before giving you your medication, medical professionals must be sure they have the:

Right medication – Many medication names appear similar but have different effects.

Right patient – It is important that they verify your name prior to giving you prescription drugs.

Right reason – Your medications should correlate with your medical history.

Right time – Most doctors prescribe medications to take at specific times, some of which cannot be taken together.

Right dose – Providing too little of a prescription drug could thwart your recovery process or cause you increased pain. Meanwhile, too much could potentially have a fatal effect.

Right route – Among other ways medications can be administered, they can be injected, swallowed or inserted.

Right documentation – After giving you your medication, your medical staff must document what you took.

Right monitoring – Depending on your situation, your condition may need monitoring to ensure the drug given had the desired effect.

It is also important to remember that you have a say in your treatment. If you do not understand or agree with your doctor’s orders, you have the right to refuse. And if you suffer from further complications due to an error in the medications you receive, you also have the right to explore your options.