Finding ways to cope when your baby is born premature

Whether you are welcoming your first child or your third, witnessing the birth of your baby is often filled with many emotions. If your baby has been born prematurely and is being cared for in the NICU, you may experience exceptionally intense feelings and concerns. At Elk & Elk, we have assisted many Washington parents as they cope with complications related to the birth of a child.

The Huffington Post has recently shared an article with several helpful suggestions as you find ways to cope with a child in the NICU. These include the following:

  • Be accepting of help: There will undoubtedly be people close to you who reach out with offers to help you. Take advantage of their willingness to serve. Accepting the assistance of others can help you focus your energy and efforts on dealing with your emotions and stress in a healthy way.
  • Do not compare: While you may be tempted to compare the progress of your baby with that of other NICU patients, do not fall into the trap of comparison. Remember that each child, their condition, their health and their treatment is different from others.
  • Find a support system: Having a NICU baby presents a unique list of challenges, however, you are certainly not alone. Seek out other parents who have undergone similar situations and rely on them for support, encouragement and advice.
  • Maintain relationships: Once your baby is healthy enough to go home, you may wish to maintain the relationships you have created with doctors and nurses in the NICU. Not only can it be healing for you, but health care professionals enjoy seeing the progress and growth of their patients.

By finding healthy ways to cope with the premature birth of your child, you can overcome challenges and stay focused on helping your baby get stronger. For more information about birth injuries, visit our web page.